Welcome to AAC Athletics!
Taking part in interscholastic or athletics at the Middle School or High School levels is an extremely valuable experience. Participation in athletics is an educational opportunity which not only compliments classroom learning, but also helps build strong character, self discipline, develops an understanding of work ethic, and sacrifice for the betterment of your team. When you are fully committed and dedicated, it helps develop true grit, and the ability to face adversity and overcome, to know what it means to fail, but to come back and compete the next day.
Specifically in the American Academy, our sport tradition has a rich history which includes not only professional athletes, but thousands of individuals who have gone on to be very successful in their chosen careers. Those who invest in their athletic participation, perform better in the classroom, and go on to professional leadership roles in all areas after graduation.
We hope that all students have a desire to invest in athletics, and commit to take part in our programs, as we offer several opportunities at a variety of levels. The Athletic Staff feels strongly that choosing to participate will be a great benefit to any student!
Go AAC! Go Pumas!
Thank you!